About Us

Ebasco Capital is composed of a group of highly experienced and seasoned, certified, financial professionals. With our knowledge and expertise, we can usually find a solution for all your financing needs. Unlike a bank, or local lending institution, which only lend to the most credit-worthy businesses, Ebasco Capital, with its relationships with national lenders, can usually find you the financing you need.

Helping one business at a time achieve their financial goals and success.

Whether you need to get new equipment, finance your accounts receivable, raise working capital, or acquire a company, Ebasco Capital can do it all.

Ready to unlock your financial potential?

Take the first step towards success today! Reach out to our team of expert finance specialists for a FREE evaluation of your financing needs. Don’t miss out on tailored solutions that can transform your financial landscape.

Act now, and let EBASCO Capital empower your financial journey!